Stative Passive

Hey everyone!

Today´s topic is:
S T A T I V E    P A S S I V E
or also know as "past participles used as adjectives."

(It's very common for me not knowing the name of the things)

"Be" can be followed by a past participle (the passive form). The past participle is often like an adjective. The past participle describes or gives information about the subject of the sentence.

Basically: Stative Passive –>  looks like a verb (the past participle) and functions like an adjective.
With the stative passiveno action is taking place.
The form: “to be” + past participle
By clicking here you'll go to a website that I like a lot because it tells you in a very short an easy way how to "create" your own stative passives from verbs.
I'l also attach a second link, for me it is very interesting because explains you the topic in a more specific way and at the end there are few exercises so you can practice.
By clicking here, you'll find a extensive list of statives and their prepositions.
The last link is for you to practice the stative passive and the prepositions. Here it is: E X E R C I S E S
Thanks fot your attention!


  1. Hello Elio, Nice posts
    Same as you, i didn't know the name of it, however your explanation and the information were very useful, they really helped me to understand that stative verbs can also be used to express emotional states.
    By the way, Thanks for the exercises they helped me to improve.

  2. Hello Elio, I really like youir post.

    Wow! thanks for sharing the name of this grammar structure, actually I did'nt know how to call it, Also your resources have been really useful and clear, now I know how to to use the structure of the stative passive.

    I just have a little question, does the stative passive only show us the experiencing of an emotion? does it have another function?

    Thank you!

  3. Hello Elio, nice to read you again🙌🏻! I liked the way you contextualized the topic and as Diego I didn’t know this was the name. I think it’s very important to learn about it.
    I just have one questions: stative passive can be used just as adjectives or also as verb?

    Thank you! 👋🏻

  4. Greetings and salutations Elio!😄
    Interesting topic, I didn’t know the name of this grammar structure 😨 I liked your explanation and it is short and easy to understand, your webpages helped me to know when the verbs that show a state of existence are probably going to be used in the passive voice, I was reading that they can be used in the active voice, could you given an example? 🤔


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