Modal Verbs

Hi classmates, today we'll learn a little about modal verbs.

Let's start:

Here are the links:

I really hope this help you!


  1. Hi, Elio. I appreciate very much the web pages you just shared because they contain a complete explanation and examples about each modal you mentioned. Particularly shall is a modal auxiliary that is used instead of will in first person to make suggestions. Thanks a lot. Bye.

  2. Hello Elio :)
    I liked your today's blog, since you have explained very clear the topic:)
    I have checked the resources, I believe me :o I liked them, because the explanation are nice and very understandable.
    But I would like to know, if are more auxiliaries that we don't use frequently?
    THANK YOU <3

  3. Hey there!
    I enjoyed listening to your explanation and also reading the information, because it was very helpful, it helped me to understand how to use the modal shall, which is one that i haven't studied. Also the exercises were very helpful, thanks a lot.
    No further questions

  4. Hello Elio, I really enjoyed you post, because your information is clear and useful,
    Thanks to the page that you shared with us, now I know how to use the auxiliary "ought to" in different sentences, but know I have a little doubt.

    The modal "shall" is just used for suggestion? can it be used in another context?

  5. Hello Elio!
    Your post is really interesting you share many resources as links with information, and exercisess, I also like your blog, because the content that you share with us is really necessary and it is easy to understand!
    I learned that modals are different from verbs for example:They don't use an 's' for the third person singular and also They are followed directly by the infinitive of another verb without 'to'.My doubt is when we make questions with modal verbs we inversion de modal?
    Thanks you!!

  6. Hello Elio!
    It was nice to listen your explanation of this blog’s entry, you explained in a easy way to understand the topic and your resources are very helpful, I liked, because it helped me to see different modal verbs and the exercises helped me to practice the new vocabulary.

    In your post yo mentioned a “substitute verb” would you lend me some examples of them? 😮


  7. Hello ... very interesting presentation about the Modals Verbs and about its use and comprehension; On the other hand the links that you shared are very good to understand even more about them and with the development of even more exercises. Thanks for your cooperation.


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