Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences

Resultado de imagen para the sentence
In this entrey we will give a quick but helpful look at the different types of sentences:

  • Simple Sentences
  • Compound Sentences
  • Complex Sentences
For that we need to listen to this short adio:

If you want more information and examples go here.


  1. Hello there, Elio you have explained in such an easy way the base of grammar, because if we don't learn to identify them, we're not going anywhere. thanks for the information, was pretty useful.


  2. Hello classmate...
    Let me tell you that I liked the information that you have share with us, because although we have seen this topic at the beginning of the semester sometimes we forget how to identify them, so personally your post has help me to remind the types of sentences because at the beginning for it was difficult to identify the differences between a complex and a compound sentence but now I already know how to identify it.

    Thanks for the info.

  3. Hi Elio…
    Let me tell you that the information that you have share in your post for me is very important and useful because the topic is like a basic and that why it is necessary to know very well, the content has help me to identify the differences between a simple sentence a compound and a complex sentence, so now I know how to identify the three types of sentences.
    Thanks a lot Elio, it has help me a lot.

  4. Hello Elio, I liked that you choose a topic in which we have to reinforce the knowledge. Know I have really active the difference between complex and compound clauses. The compoutdoors contains one main clause and two or more Subordinate clauses. And the compound contains two or more main clauses. My question for you is: can we have a phrase inside a subordinating clause ?

  5. Hi Elio:)
    Very nice information, I liked the way that you talked about it, very clear and now, I know the difference between those themes, since before I had problems with that!
    But, thank you so much!

  6. I was thinking a lot about the difference between Compound and Complex sentences. But now, I have the main idea to differentiate both of them.

    A compound is a sentences that contains 2 or more independent clauses, and that's what I'm talking about.

    but I have a question: Does another kind of sentence exist?


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