Prepositions of Place

Prepositions of place

This material explains in a very effective way the most common prepositions of place.

To see the material click here. is a very useful websites when we are talking about grammar, but this time we are going to focus on prepositions of place. For me, it helped me to know better the differences between each preposition and I also think it is very ilustraded so it is easy to learn quickly.

First, we have to keep in mind that these prepositions are used to show the position or location of one thing with another. And they answer to the question "where?".

The webpage shows us some pictures of dogs (who doesn not love dogs?) representing different prepositions of place so that it is easier to know what the prepositions mean, also we can spot some brief explanations of the prepositions if it is needed, and of course we can not forget the examples.

The prepositions listed in there are:
  • In front of
  • Behind
  • Between
  • Across from / Opposite
  • Next to / Beside
  • Near / Close to
  • On
  • Above / Over
  • Under / Below

When you just enter to the site you will find a chart with some pictures of dogs demostrating differents prepositions of place. Then we will find a very short explanation of the prepositions of place. Finally, the different prepositions are presented with from two to four examples of each preposition.

At the end of the website we find a section named "Next activities" where you can find the next "level" after managing perfectly the prepositions of place and it is the use of AT and IT when refering to locations.


  1. Nice Job! Elio

    I like all of your blog! I know that it will help me to improve my learning about prepositions of place, and as you said if they are ilustrated, better! I really liked the dogs in your materials.

    Now I have a little doubt. Is possible to say " The dog is on the bed" or will it be incorrect?

    Thanks you so much Elio !!!


  2. Hello there,
    i liked your post because you found a very entertaining way to explain and learn the preposition of place, actually you were right, who doesn't love dogs?.
    I also liked that your explanation and the whole material it's pretty complete and understandable which would be something very helpful to people who just started learning english.
    G.J (Good Job)

  3. Hello, my friend!

    I like your blog a lot. Here we have the most difficult topic to understand for me, because I need to comprehend several concepts in a short space of time. But, using this webpage that you posted, and your analysis too help me to catch some ideas to apply them.

    I came to your Blog as soon as I could (because you told that your information in complete, and that's true)

  4. A very ingenious way of learning about Prepositions of place, putting puppies in the use of these examples are many and sometimes we can confuse ourselves but in this sense is very fun to learn. Thanks Elio.

  5. I really liked your blog, it was colorful and with a good list of prepositions of place. I understood that they answer the question "where". I just have a question: Are these prepositions inside other categories like location, countries or not?

  6. Hello Elio, I really enjoy your blog because I love dogs and your post made me to remember my pets. I like the information you presented because was cleared and funny. It really helped me to learn that I need to use the preposition "in" instead of "on" when I am referring to be "in the bed". All my life I had used "on the bed" and now I know I was wrong. Thanks for that!


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