Stative Passive

Hey everyone! Today´s topic is: S T A T I V E P A S S I V E or also know as "past participles used as adjectives." (It's very common for me not knowing the name of the things) "Be" can be followed by a past participle (the passive form). The past participle is often like an adjective. The past participle describes or gives information about the subject of the sentence. Basically: Stative Passive –> looks like a verb (the past participle) and functions like an adjective. With the stative passive , no action is taking place. The form : “to be” + past participle _________________________________________________________________ By clicking here you'll go to a website that I like a lot because it tells you in a very short an easy way how to "create" your own stative passives from verbs. I'l also attach a second link , for me it is very interesting because explains you the topic in a more specific...